Blackburn Trak Block 3 Front Wheel PlatformThe Blackburn Track Block 3 is a platform designed to be used in unison with a bicycle trainer. When a bicycle is attached to a trainer the rear wheel is raised several inches off of the ground. If you don’t simultaneously raise the front wheel to an equal height, the rider will be putting too much weight (and pressure) on his/her hands, wrists, and shoulders. This unit will raise and stabilize the front wheel of literally any adult bicycle. Though simple in design, it is so stable that you can ride with no hands if you care to. Since each side has a different height (50mm, 60mm, or 75mm), by selecting the appropriate height adjustment, this block will fit 650/700c, 24", 26", 27.5"and 29" wheel sizes by simply selecting the correct side.768686827594